Egad!! what to do now.. hmmm

*** OK, you're here cause ya don't quite understand why this site aint workin for you.. well, ok. If you can't see this site at its best (because you need at least a framescapable browser like Netscape 3.0 ) and you'd like to, then you need to go HERE! and download the latest version of Nescape Navigator (which is indeed free!) You don't necessarily need the NEWEST version but you need at least version 3.0 or higher...


*** If you Don't really want to download anything onto your computer, thats cool to, (you prob. have either Microsoft IE or an AOL browser... right?) just try the entrance again and if it still doesnt work, just use the default version but only do that if you have to cause its nothing compared to the awesome frames version :-D Welpers, I hope this helped ya some... If you STILL cant see this site because you have an ancient browser and it crashes everytime you try and view a site with graphic maps, my advice to you would either be to get a new browser (like netscape, or... E-mail me at and I'll be more than happy to help you with anything.. Hope you have a super good day and God Bless!!!


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