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fund raising ideas...
If you are serious about booking a concert with us and just don't have the finances to make the event a reality, please view our list of fund raising ideas. They have been tested and work. If you truly have the vision for the event, you are half way there. Although the ideas are not guaranteed to generate income, we have found that they are very effective.

1 - Call local business and have them donate to your organization. If you are a non-profit organization, offer them the form for their taxes to write off this donation.

2 - Take up a special love offering to offset the cost of the event.

3 - Sell tickets for the event.

4 - Approach other churches in the area and have them donate money for the event that their kids will be participating in too.

5 - Contact your local christian radio station and see if they are willing to become involved in the event and co-sponsor it. If they do, ask them to give you a list of their top 10 contributors to their station and follow them up with a call to all 10 for a donation.

6 - Have your local christian bookstore donate a painting and raffle it off.

7 - Have a car wash in your community on the main street in your town.

8 - Have a youth slave auction in your church.

9 - Have a bake sale in your church.

10 - Have local business give money to place an add in a pamphlet that you can print on your organizations copier. Pass out these pamphlets at the event.

11 - Have 1 business donate to be on a banner behind the band, on the stage. This can be traded out with a local printing company.

Everyone of these are just ideas that we have seen work in the past. All of these take some time and work on your part. But as the old saying goes, "Nothing worth having comes easy." We will do our part to make your event a successful one. We never want money to come in the way of ministry.