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QUICK NOTE: From Russ Fox

August 13th 1998 ------------
"The 7 Day Times"
* Heres a Quick Note From Russ Fox (the coolest bass player around :) ... read it and if you're in Texas or plan to be next week, be sure and check out Kevin's last shows... ive includeed the cost at the bottom to the Dalls one, if you need more info. on the other, call here: (615) 771-9996 ... thanx and God Bless!!! --- Marcie Sweikert
[ Update from Russ Fox... ]

*Hey Seven Day Fans!!! Just taking a break from our West Coast Tour...It was a really great time. We drove all the way from Nashville up to Chicago to pick up our pal Matt Sumpter (He tagged along for the ride) and then took I-90 all the way to Seattle, WA. We spent a whole day there just running around the city. We stopped by Tooth&Nail to say hello. Speaking of Tooth&Nail...we just finished a recording of OH HOLY NIGHT which will be released sometime before the years up on a new BEC Christmas compilation. I think everyone is going to dig came out really well. I guess everyone knows by now that the Forefront X Birthday album is out featuring our slaughtered up version of Big House by Audio A. Ok back to the trip. We did some really fun shows in California as well. Spirit West Coast was a Blast. Monterey is such a beautiful place. We had several days off on the this tour, so we took full advantage of them and spent some time in San Francisco with my cousin, Scott, and we also spent a day in Los Angeles. Everything went pretty smooth for the most part. We did have some problems with our trailer and had to get it fixed and our muffler almost fell off on the way home. God helped us work through it as he always does! We drove through the desert on the way home and enjoyed the scenery on I-40 across the vast U.S.A. The roads were a little bumpy and I had to take some dramamine. My stomach was not diggin' the roads at all (ha). I took lots of pictures (3 rolls) out there, so hopefully we'll be able to post some of them on the 7 day site. We just finished up World Fest in Chicago this past weekend and are heading for Texas next weekend for a few more shows. I guess the biggest news right now is that our drummer, Kevin has decided to leave the band. It's all good and God must have other things planned for him. He just feels like he should go back to school and pursue other things. He will miss everyone including all the fans! He will be playing his last shows with us next weekend in Dallas, TX and Houston,TX (Fri and Sat.). So...if you're in TX next week...come watch Kevin thrash it up with us one last time. Seven Day's original drummer, Matt Sumpter (now in LackLuster with Brian Whitman, ex-All Star United guitarist) will be finishing out the year with us. We have already rehearsed with him several times and we are set for the Bleach / 7 day/ Mukula tour. I hope everyone gets to come out and see us. We have some old surprises in store (hint hint). Well that's about it from the land of 7 day. Thanks for all your support and prayers. You da' bomb!!! Catch ya real soon.

The price of the Dallas,TX show above that Russ talks about is:

$10.00 and its at "THE DOOR" in Deep Elmand the time is 8:30

(special thanx to Dana Hinman for this info...)

whoever goes to this show, be sure and take some pics for the website :) God Bless and have a Super Good Day!!! --- ms

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